This Universe have many powers within.
This universe is having enough of resources to provide with to the human beings, What humans have to understand is how to utilze this resources from this universe.
You are the creator of your own future by your thoughts and feelings.
It is said that like attracts like in this universe so the more good thoughts the more good things and circumstances will be attracted towards you or come to you.
God has created human Beings as the Most Impotant thing on earth or More Specifically Humans have been created on the Position No 1 by the God.
So this means that every Human is special, no one is born with any special skill or talent the environment in which the child grows make him a suuceesful person, a leader or a looser...
So this depends on a no of circumstances like parents, freinds, area of living this all and other several factors play role in creating a thought processs and this thought process decides our future.