How many times you had a feeling of resistance or the feeling of lack of money while paying your bills. If you feel resistance in terms of giving money then it definitely means you are still blocking money to flow into your experience.
The thing is when you allow money to come and go without any resistance then you allow more of money to flow into your experience. It doesnt mean that you go and spend money in a shopping spree. Spend money wisely and be happy while paying your bill you are paying your bills because you have taken their service and used it for your benefit so you should be happy.
Your vibrations about money tells your financial story. Your feeling towards money is the indicator whether you are in harmony with money or not. There are two subjects behing your money, Lack of it, and more of it, when you focus on the lack of money then you are saying that you dont wont more money and you are inviting more of the same situations in your life, when you feel content with the amount of money you have and stay positive towards letting more money flow into your experience then more of it will flow to you.
Remember you get the essense of what you think. So if your feelings are negative towards money then you have to gradually change it to allow abundance of money come to you. This can be done in various ways keep some amount of money like two hundred dollars in your pocket you will feel more confident of having enough money.
Have a goal of achieving a specific amount of money during this year and believe that you can get it. When you believe your mind will throw some great ideas of earning money from various sources which you never thought about.
In the end be in peace with money and feel the abundance in life increase your vibrations by behaving and acting in way the person you want to become.
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