Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meditation and money

Meditation is an art of making your mind calm and result will be better concentration and your power of focus will increase greatly.

Focus is everything, in meditation you dont focus on anyting accept your breath in and out, when you do this your mind becomes calm of the various thoughts which are still running in the background of your mind, when these thoughts stop your mind gets clearer and clutter is removed due to this you will have new ideas in solving your problems in life.

Mediation with money....meditating  is focusing and you get what you focus upon, for increasing your money flow in life, you can do this money magnet meditation for few nights and see great results.

While going to sleep get relaxed take deep breaths focus totally on your breath you will get a feeling of deeper relaxation now once you achieve it focus on having abundance of money with you, think that you have lots of money and having lots of money is easy, think money as an easy subject be happy that you have lots of money.

This excercise can be called as money magnet meditation which will attract more money in your life...

Be happy with what you have and work for more.


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